Azure CLI


Ways to login

az login

az login --use-device-code​

az login --allow-no-subscriptions


  • Issue with SPA:

Ways to list apps

az ad app list
az ad app list | jq '.[].displayName'
az ad app list --query "[].{ displayName: displayName, appId:appId }" --output table --all | sort
az ad app list --query "[].{ displayName: displayName, appId:appId }" --output table --all | sort | grep myapp

Create app

az ad app create --display-name "myapp"

Delete app

az ad app delete --id xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx

List app

az ad app show --id xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx

Credentials shot and list

az ad app credential list --id xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx
az ad app credential reset --id xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx --credential-description "Secret1"
az ad app credential reset --id xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx --credential-description "Secret2" --append

Add reply/redirect url

az ad app update --id xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx --add replyUrls "http://localhost:3000/redirect"

All apps created by the currently logged in user:

az ad app list --show-mine --query "[].{id:appId, name:displayName, graphId:objectId}"

All service principals created by the currently logged in user:

az ad sp list --show-mine --query "[].{id:appId, name:displayName, tenant:appOwnerTenantId}"

Using Microsoft Graph REST

Get the appId and the corresponding objectId for the app

az ad app list --query "[].{ displayName: displayName, appId:appId, objectId:objectId }" --output table --all | sort

Use the objectId in a GET query

az rest --method GET --uri "<objectId>" --headers 'Content-Type=application/json' 

Use the objectId in a PATCH query (add redirect url to spa applicaiton)

UIREPLYURLS=`echo "["\"http://localhost:4000/redirect"\"]" | sed 's/;/\",\"/g'`
SPA_PATCH=$(printf '%s\n' "$UIREPLYURLS" | jq -c '{"spa":{"redirectUris":.}}')
az rest --method PATCH --uri "<objectId>" --headers 'Content-Type=application/json' --body="$SPA_PATCH"