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Norwegian Maritime Authority, Ship register (03.2020 - 05.2020)

The Norwegian Maritime Authority is a government agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Climate and Environment. It serves as the regulatory and supervisory authority for ensuring the safety of life, health, the environment, and material assets on vessels flying the Norwegian flag and foreign vessels in Norwegian waters. The Norwegian Maritime Authority is located in Haugesund, where the authority employs 200 staff members, which Gjermund shared office together.

The ship registries managed by the Norwegian Maritime Authority also contain information on certifications and courses that seafarers need to undertake various roles on different ships. They sought a more modern solution with a new frontend for self-service certification for seafarers, schools, and courses.


Gjermund developed a project template in React with IdentityServer4 as the Identity Provider. OAuth 2.0 was configured with PKCE flow. In the React application, ESLint and Redux were used. Testing was set up with Jest and Cypress. For continuous integration, two Docker Containers were created for the frontend and IdentityServer4. Storyboard was established as a component library.

The template was later used for the frontend of the Ship Registries, with development following UX design principles.


ReactJS, TypeScript, Docker, Redux, ESLint, Universal design, Jest, REST, Scrum, Oauth2