Basic Type

Useful table for Types vs Interfaces

It's a nuanced topic, don't get too hung up on it. Here's a handy table:

Aspect Type Interface
Can describe functions
Can describe constructors
Can describe tuples
Interfaces can extend it ⚠️
Classes can extend it 🚫
Classes can implement it (implements) ⚠️
Can intersect another one of its kind ⚠️
Can create a union with another one of its kind 🚫
Can be used to create mapped types 🚫
Can be mapped over with mapped types
Expands in error messages and logs 🚫
Can be augmented 🚫
Can be recursive ⚠️

⚠️ In some cases

(source: Karol Majewski)

Interface vs Type Example

interface Car {
  color: string;
  doors: number;

interface Motorbike {
  color: string;
  seats: number;

type Car = {
  color: string;
  doors: number;

type Motorbike = {
  color: string;
  seats: number;

type Bmw = Car | Motorbike;
type Bmw = Car & Motorbike;

Function Type

const func: (num: number) => string = (num: number) => String(num);

The function type:

(num: number) => string
const valueFactory = (x: number) => x; // definition
const myValue = valueFactory(123); // use